Custom Build Gundam

Custom Gundam MSN-06S-[W] Takumi Weiss Sinanju

Modeled by n3v3rw4ffle
Modeler Word : “After 18 days and a handful of extra hours, this build is complete, got all the thrusters painted in a nice heat treated titanium look, and fixed the eyeball. Overall, I am very proud of this build. It came out just to my liking, and I am very happy to have this on my shelf. I hope you guys enjoy some up close shots of the thrusters and other parts.

This build was another stepping stone for me on working towards getting better with shading, this one happened to be with candy paints where I tried using a clear white, which didn’t turn out as white as desired, buuuuuttt it did turn out great regardless of those “issues”. The shading is harder to see in the photos, but it’s noticeable in person, which some of you can see soon at some local events in SoCal!

I also have to thank all of my friends for inspiring me to try new things and push me to constantly improve on my skills to push the envelope as a builder!”

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