Custom Build Gundam

MSZ-010 ZZ Gundam Fortune Meow Studio Resin Kit

Modeled by gp_model.02
Modeler Word : “Closing 2023 with the only project I completed for the whole year, Fortune Meow’s Double Zeta Gundam resin conversion

This project is my first experience with a resin conversion kit and it was truly challenging if not just plain tedious for the most part. Despite the frustrations and nonstop unexpected encounters with working on resin, I managed to finally finish this up to the standard I was aiming for.

I thought the pre assembly and sanding work before painting was difficult but actually painting this was much harder.

So much time was alloted for this one project just to maintain my super clean paint job, and that includes constant repairs and retouches. I can always manage but it definitly made this kit not the most fun to work on. The good thing I realized here is that, I’m just so done with super clean paint jobs, and feel more inclined to try a different paint style and/or focus less on being so much of a perfectionist.

Despite the long working time and the challenges to complete this, it sure does look so damn good.

I still appreciate all the support even if I have not been the most active. I’m looking forward to what I can do moving forward as well as what all the many other talented artists and modellers in the community will be doing for 2024!”

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