Custom Build Gundam

Panel Lining and Topcoat Gunpla

Panel lining and topcoating are essential steps in enhancing the appearance and durability of Gunpla models :

1. Panel Lining

This process involves applying a fine ink or paint into the panel lines and details of the model to emphasize them. It creates depth and makes the details stand out. You can use specialized panel lining markers, paints, or even diluted enamel or acrylic paints for this purpose. After applying the ink or paint, let it dry for a few minutes and then gently wipe away the excess with a cotton swab or tissue dampened with lighter fluid or enamel thinner.

2. Topcoating

Topcoating protects your Gunpla from scratches, dust, and UV damage while also giving it a more finished look. There are generally three types of topcoats :
– Gloss : Provides a shiny finish, ideal for decals and metallic paints.
– Semi-gloss : Offers a moderate shine, balancing between gloss and matte.
– Matte : Provides a flat, non-shiny finish, which can give a more realistic look and is suitable for weathered or military-style models.

To apply a topcoat, spray it evenly over your model in a well-ventilated area. Make sure your model is clean and dry before spraying. Hold the spray can about 6-12 inches away from the model and apply in light, even coats. Allow each coat to dry thoroughly before applying another layer. Topcoating should be done after panel lining and any decals are applied, but before adding any final details or accessories.

These steps can significantly enhance the appearance of your Gunpla models, making them look more professional and closer to their animated counterparts.

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